India has rich cultural and spiritual traditions. This country has become the founder of a vegetarian diet, which adheres to the principles of a huge number of people in all corners of the world. The main condition for the so-called Indian diet is taboo to eat meat in any form. The diet is based on eating many dairy products and vegetables.
Indian diet is rather efficient for losing weight, and therefore it is recommended for prolonged use. It is low-calorie and should be followed during 12-18 days. It helps to lose from five to six pounds.
Basic Rules of the Indian Diet
Your daily diet should contain the following products:
- A couple of raw or dried fruits.
- Raw vegetables, which can be eaten with a sauce, prepared on the basis of natural yoghurt with 20% cheese, seaweed and soy.
- Vegetables cooked in a pressure cooker, which allows you to store minerals and vitamins. They should be eaten at least a couple times a day – for lunch and dinner.
- Vegetable soups are highly recommended.
- Cereals and wheat germs.
- Pasta, brown rice and bread are rarely eaten by the Indian diet followers, or are used in minimal quantities.
- Semi-skimmed yogurt and cottage cheese can be included in the eating plan.
- Do not forget about the nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, etc.
- You can use vegetable oil, albeit in small quantities, and spices.
- There is no limit for water consumption.
- You cannot drink after a meal.
If the diet is used only for weight loss, you need to stick with it for at least two weeks. You will hardly achieve the desired result in shorter period.
A Sample Daily Menu
For breakfast, eat one fruit (apple, orange or pear) or drink a glass of fresh fruits or vegetables juice without sugar.
For lunch, you can eat salad (cucumber, yoghurt sauce, sesame seeds), a plate of rice with lentils and steamed carrots.
For dinner, salad is permitted, which is made from tomatoes, soy sprouts and mushrooms; sautéed vegetables; a slice of rustic bread.